Email us [email protected]

Art Programme 2025

The Yearly Programme consists of:

Monday afternoon painting meetings: 1pm-4pm at Birchfield Community Hall. Prospective members are welcome as guests for their first 3 meetings. Members, prospective members and guests pay £3 per session which includes tea and biscuits.


 Monday afternoon demonstrations are held from 1-3.30pm at Birchfield Hall.


Wednesday all day workshops with tuition from a visiting artist are held at Birchfield Community Hall, Yeovil, BA21 5RL for members : Cost £25.00. Non Members:Cost£35. These run from 10.00am-- to 3.30pm.



 Our next exhibition is on 26th-27th. July 2025,  At Sherborne Digby Memorial Hall. More information will be available closer to the date.


Membership is renewable in January each year

Annual Membership Fee:

  • £26 for adults
  • £40 for a family
  • £10 for a junior or a student

Members receive a membership card which can be presented for discounts at:

  • Yandles, of Martock
  • Frank Herring and Son, Dorchester
  • SAA reduced rate art materials 


The General Data Protection Regulation 2018

The Data Protection Act 1998 has been incorporated in the above act and is designed to ensure that personal data about living individuals is handled properly by organisations and not released to third parties without their permission.

Yeovil Art Group complies with current legislation.

Full details on request.

Workshops/Demonstration 2025.

 10th. February Monday Critique.

12th. March Wednesday-Alison Finch. Botanical Tulips Watercolour Workshop.

14th. April-Monday-Kate Llnch-Charcoal Demo.

19th. May-Monday-Richard Turner-Pastel Demo.

11th. June-Nigel Downing-Acrylic Multi Media Workshop.

4th Aug last Monday session before we breakup for Summer.

A Plein Air day date to be confirmed .

We restart after our  Summer  Break on 1st. Sept.

15th September Mondy 'still life' For  Monday Group.

15th October Wednesday-Kaye Linch -Charcoal Workshop.

12th November-Wednesday Diane Summer.

8th December.-Monday-AGM. and XMAS party.

(Demonstration times Mondays 1pm-3.30pm.)

(workshop times are 10am--3.30pm.)



Restart after xmas.-- 5th January 2026